Developmental Day Program 140 Jaycee-Lions Drive, LaBelle Florida 33935
Meaningful Day Activities provide people with disabilities in Hendry County with supports and advocacy for building able lives and strong communities. Our vision has been to set the standard of excellence for person-centered services through innovation, teamwork and respect for the people we serve. Together, we will shape communities in which people of all abilities participate and contribute as equal citizens. It is in this spirit that our Program evolved and took shape. It is founded on inspiration and respect for the many people we have served in over 17 years of service to South West Florida. It is our hope and expectation that The Program Curriculum will remain perpetually in transition, being implemented, evaluated, altered and, when appropriate, expanded. Basing our decision on both our experience with educators and the relevant literature, we chose domains of value that we felt were most applicable to our students. We hope this serves as a training tool and provides opportunities for students in the delivery of this curriculum.
Angel Center
South West Florida PODS Angels Family Support Group, Inc. has opened a new center in LaBelle, Florida called the Angel Center.The Angel Center houses an Adult Day training (ADT) which supports adults age 16 and over (including seniors) with developmental disabilities to continue building the academic and relevant life skills needed to be as independent as possible. Through skill development plans custom-tailored to the needs and goals of each individual, adults are developing life skills like meal preparation, communication, using public transportation and navigating the community, grocery shopping, and more. Participants are empowered to make their own decisions about daily activities, and self-direction is emphasized. Arts and crafts, music, and theater are also available, ensuring that the learning needs of participants of all learning styles and skill levels are addressed. In the Angel Center’s Adult Day Program, participants are empowered to the extent possible to make decisions regarding their skill development plan and daily activities. Like all of our programs, the Adult Day Program provides bilingual (English and Spanish) services to both participants and guardians to meet the diverse needs of those we serve. Participants work in small groups to ensure a high level of individualized skill-building, and regular outings mean that participants have opportunities to practice their skills in the community. The curriculum in the Adult Day Program curriculum ensures that participants can continue to make consistent progress on goals, regardless of their current skill level. The curriculum is divided into three levels, with each level contains six progressively challenging skill steps. Participants work towards achieving the majority of the skills delineated in each step before graduating to the next skill level.
The individuals in our program deserve to succeed at home, at work, and in the community. Feeling confident, knowing where to find support, and the ability to make decisions—these are all signs of a healthy adulthood. Life Skills curriculums focus on those activities that help the individuals help themselves. This includes real world experiences, dedicated courses, and structural reinforcements across all of our programming. The individuals can reach their potential and achieve their goals. With the right assistance and support, they reach that next level of independence.
Sample Life Skills Courses; Exploration Homemaker skills Health & Exercise Social Skills Introduction to Cooking