Down Syndrome Health Guidelines
Health These recommendations should take into consideration available local expertise and referral patterns. They are based on our present level of knowledge and should be modified as new information becomes available. Modern primary health care includes educational and developmental concerns within its domain, and therefore we have included information and recommendations specific to these needs of individuals with Down syndrome. These recommendations are a thoughtful composite of the input of many experts involved in the care of people with Down syndrome. They reflect current standards and practices of health care in the United States of America. They have been designed for a wide audience: for health care professionals who are providing primary care, such as pediatricians, family physicians, internists and geneticists, as well as specialists, nursing personnel and other allied health professionals, such as physical and occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists and audiologists. In addition to educators and early intervention providers, these guidelines are designed for parents and other caregivers to use with the professionals who participate in the care of the individual with Down syndrome. Download the following health care guidelines: Neonatal Health Care Guidelines Infant Health Care Guidelines Childhood Health Care Guidelines Adolescence Health Care Guidelines Adult Health Care Guidelines Health Care Guidelines en Español |